Friday, August 16, 2013


Well hellooo there! It is I, Lily, creator of The Squab, a random blog about random things that few people (excluding me) would possibly care about. Although, if you're into lists about things other than chores or schedules and lengthy rants about whatever comes to mind, you, my dear, are in just the right spot.

Now, I'm sure that many people reading this will go like "Erm, like, WHY is your blog called The Squab? Like, what does THAT have to do with rants and lists?!

Or perhaps the logical ones will be like "Well, a squab is a resourceful bird with more intelligence than we common humans think. Therefore, this young blogger (or is it bloggee? Or maybe bloggist? Bloggerator? Whatever. Let's stick with blogger. Anyway. Where was I? Ah yes. Resourceful and intelligent.) Ahem, this young blogger is showcasing her knowledge of which some of us never before realized the importance of, like the squab itself does in its everyday life."

Well, as flattering as you logicals are, you both wrong.

Look, I just really like the word squab. I don't really know why, but I do. Its managed to sneak into random octaves in an otherwise normal conversation, i.e. "Oh hey! How are you? :-)" "Oh, just squabby, you know." And "What do you want for dinner?" "Hmm, can we have spaghetti and squab-balls?" Or even, "Raise you hand. Yes, Lily?" "SQUAB! :-D" (Okay, that last one didn't really happen. :-P I'm just trying to add a little colour.)

Okay, well, with that out of the way, The Squab is one of those websites you would stumble across while surfing the Web, looking for something to amuse yourself that does not include "talking" dogs, funny glitched pictures or Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, etc. (I'm about to get a lot of hate over those last three with arguments like "Phooey! Tumblr never gets boring! It has way cooler blogs than THIS!" To which I would reply "Does Tumblr have posts about the best horror movies to date, twenty songs that will change your mind about dubstep, and books you can read over and over again without ever getting bored?" To which they would reply with "Yeah! It does! And it has more, too!" Then I would just walk away because I'm too smart to put up with that kinda crap. Nah, just kidding. I never learn. I'd stick around tossing comebacks met by the same points worded differently till the defendant either rolls their eyes and flicks their hair (girl) or rolls their eyes and flicks their bangs (guy). I have a lot of experience with this kinda stuff.)

So yeah. I think you got the gist of it. The Squab is your main exporter for all things weird, wacky and random. NOTE: I'm NOT a hipster. I'm not even totally clear on what that is, but I know I'm not one. Okay? Okay.

Well, uh, you can go now.
But be sure to come back cuz I have a lot to talk about and, well, you probably want to hear it.