Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bad Habits

I'm kicking myself for neglecting my blog for so long! This neglection inspired me to write this post, actually. Titled Bad Habits as you can CLEARLY SEE, this post shall be about, well, my bad habits. Duh.
Maybe you share the same issues, maybe you used too, maybe you read this and feel grateful it ain't you with em.
Whuddevah. Let's just get this over with.

1. Procrastination.
I haven't made a new post in like, what? Six days? That's way too long if you ask me. I'm sure all the world's greatest bloggers didn't neglect their duties to nearly a week! How else would they become the world's greatest bloggers?! And its not just blogging, lemme tell you. I refuse to make my bed (its just gonna get dirty again!), empty/refill the dishwasher, or email/call/go over to my friends for incredible lengths. Once I even went at least a week without brush in my teeth. (Oh, the days of summer...)
I'm sure you can imagine:
M'kay, maybe not AS grotesque. You get the picture though.

2. Nail Biting
Its not like they taste good! They taste more or less like plastic. o_o
I don't know why I do it, but I'm not alone. My grandpa's always on my case, saying he wants to get my nails painted, but, well, I never did have a thing for nail polish like my friends do. Its just not my thing. I'm sure you understand.

3. Laughing at bad times
I love laughing! Who doesn't? Its so fun! Unfortunately, not everyone agrees. I've been in many horrible situations where laughing is the least appropriate but most it-has-to-happen! thing I can possibly do. To list a few:
- Someone else is getting yelled at in class
- A mean but hilarious joke at someone who just fell off the monkey bars
- Talking about bullying with cops in school and the subject of wedgies comes up
I mean, who WOULDN'T laugh in those scenarios? Anyone my age or younger would, fo' sho'.

4. Eating when there's nothing better to do
I'm not anorexic or something dramatic or awful like that. I'm not going to be ranting and wailing about how I need to stop eating before I swell up like the Michelin Man. I'm just saying.
When there is nothing good on Netflix, nothing new on ourWorld or I'm sick of playing Temple Run 2, I most definitely will head on down to the kitchen and eat! Lots of other people do. Let's face it: Eating is fun. Everyone and I mean everyone, loves eating. This is bad habit for me cuz, well, I should be blogging when I'm instead shoving peach after peach in my mouth! :-P And besides, if this continues like it is, I just might be the Michelin Man when I'm older. x_x

5. Telling secrets
Ugh. I cannot stress how much this bothers me. I love knowing stuff (especially stuff that is intended to be private), and I love talking.
So what happens when the two come together? That's right.
If you tell me a secret and it "somehow" gets out, I can guarantee I'm the one who spilled the beans. I can't help it! There's something special about secrets.
You can go ahead while we're making mosaics in art class at school, I ask you to pass the glue and you comply, while adding in a normally-registered voice, "Hey, I really like Johnny. He's so cool!" And I'll be like, "Oh, that's cool. He is pretty nice. Hey, do red and green really compliment each other or does it look too much like Christmas?" Cuz you basically announced it to the whole world.
But as soon as we're at the Halloween Dance, huddled in the corner, and you dramatically lower your voice, look around and whisper, "Okay, promise you won't tell? I REALLY have a thing for Johnny. He's so talented and smart and cute! But don't tell anyone!" And I reply "Ooh, wow! That's so sweet! I wont tell!", you better understand that "I won't tell" for a max of two days, or until I see Johnny again.
With that simple voice register and gesture, you just opened the door between Passing Comment and Juicy Exciting Scandal and gave that confession a hard shove into the latter with me in tow. It WILL come out, it WILL be spread, he WILL find out. So, either tell me this huge secret that no one else will know for 48 hours at the very most, or just keep it to yourself.

6. Correcting/Contradicting
The hardest thing in the world for anyone to do is admit we're wrong. We are raised believing we have to be the best and all mistakes ate black marks on the permanent record of life. It's simple mortifying and humiliating to be honest with ourselves and tell the world we made a mistakes.
So, I do it for you!
I don't consider myself as an arguer. I'm just explaining my point as calmly  I possibly can (which is never very calm for long).
I'll be honest here: When I know I'm right and the other person refuses to admit it (in situations where undoubtable evidence and alibis are always present), I will go to great lengths to prove my point.
The same goes with correcting people. I, like every other person like, ever, loves to be right, and when we are, we're making sure everyone else knows it too. I don't usually correct people, usually I only do when they're seriously ticking me off and I need a reason to make them as mad as I am. (I'm such a wonderful role model, aren't I?)
Such as, if I'm mad at a friend who didn't pay me back for whatever when I apparently said they didn't need to, and they go like, "I would have bring the money but you said not to bother!", I might privately agree with them, but just because I'm extremely ticked off I will have to say, "Brought. You would have brought. How many times do I have to remind you?!"

7. Ranting
Maybe not such bad habit. It keeps everyone entertained, that's for sure! I remember back in grade six, my friend Parween and I would go in a little corner in the schoolyard at recess just to rant and rave about everything that was bothering us, from math homework to moms. I'ts refreshing and a real stress-reliever, although many dorks claim it to be "negative" and "pessimistic" and "brings them down".
It in fact does the exact opposite! But, haters gonna hate. Losers.

Whew! Seven bad habits. I can assure you I have many more, but its after midnight, and I need to sleep, 'specially since school is right around the corner *excited squeal* and my sleep schedule is.. Questionable. :-P
Keep me posted for the first day of school! ^_^
Stay tuned.