Sunday, August 18, 2013

What Game Are You?

I've always loved video games.

I think my very first encounter with the world of gaming was when I was like six or seven, when my parents and I caught my grandparents playing Sonic The Hedgehog on an old Sega Genesis console.
I had never even known my grandparents owned a video game console, let alone were gamers.
After filling us in on this secret habit of theirs, I found myself immensely intrigued. I wanted to learn how to play.
Without further ado, they sat me down in front of yet another classic game, the one and only, Super Mario Bros. for SNES. (Stands for Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Gee, I feel like such a nerd. ^_^)
I was shown the basic controls, i.e. Running, jumping, sliding, avoiding creatures, collecting coins. Within an hour or so, I was crushing Goombas, tossing around Koopa Troops shells, spotting secret coin hideaways and jumping on the very top of the pole at the end like a natural pro, which, I guess, I was. ;-)
After Mario came Sonic, a speedy blue hedgehog who's job is to free animals transformed into evil creatures by their master, Dr. Robotnik (called Eggman in later games), and ultimately beat the doctor himself. I've beaten Sonic's first game a numbers of times but to this day, Sonic And Tails, his second game starring his pal Tails The Fox, is unbeatable to this day. It has an insane twist at the end... Not that I'm gonna tell you. Go find out for yourself.
Soon after, I was playing on Lan original Atari, joystick and everything! I received a Wii for my eighth or ninth birthday, followed by a pink DSi for christmas. Some time after my mom got an iPad which had many a game downloaded to it, and in sixth grade my grandparents gave me a Kobo Arc, the tablet I'm writing this blog on. It of course provided me with millions of free games to practice on.

Ahem. I'm getting off topic. See how easy it is to branch a ton of other topics off your original?! Ugh. One of my worst habits, along with--

ANYWHO, so. What game are you??? 

The way I see it, video games are more or less divided into four main categories, with some overlap.
Number One: Violent war strategy games
Number Two: Brainteasers/Puzzle strategy games
Number Three: Virtual worlds/Fantasy games (usually for PC)
And Number Four: Platform games.

Category One is more or less games where the aim is to kill. You know, those violent boy-games (yes, I KNOW certain girls play those game too, no question there, but the thing is, I've never seen a group of girls in saggy jeans eating baloney sandwiches at the far table, huddling together, discussing battle plans and strategy. Face it, it's a game aimed for dudes.), games that I can only compliment on their extremely graphic artwork.
Well, for starters, I hate all games that involve killing, beating, and gore, which many people I closely know will find very ironic since  have another addiction to horror movies. I just can't find the pleasure in being rewarded with ammo and weapons for dismember zombies with hand grenades or running over civilians with monster trucks (cue the violent-video-game fanboy rants). However, if you're that kind of person who likes researching history's wars for oral projects or prepares themselves for the zombie apocalypse (Hi Rebecca. Yes, I'm talking about you.), then this genre is most definitely for you.

RECOMMENDED (Remember, I HATE these games and have the most basic knowledge on them. These are recommended by a friend of mine into that kinda stuff.): Call Of Duty: Black Ops; Grand Theft Auto 3; Assassin's Creed

I have very little to say about Category Three except for that puzzling strategy games are without a doubt my favourite type of game. The even surpass classic platformers like Sonic and Mario (see below). In short, I love learning and challenges, and what better way is there to exercise your brain than with time limits and brightly coloured shapes? Exactly. For all those logical thinkers like me, and stay away if you get stressed out really easily. These games make you sweat.

RECOMMENDED: Tetris; Bejeweled 2; Plants Vs Zombies


Number Three: Virtual worlds and fantasy. I'm currently hooked on this one, (If you play, ADD ME! My name is Chrispy; you'll find out why in another post; if you can't find anyone named Chrispy its cuz I change it a lot. I change my ourWorld name so much I've started keeping a list. I'll post it one day.) Anyway, all your really do is usually pick a starter avatar, a name (no duplicates, at least in ourWorld), and enter you email and a picked password to save. In ourWorld you get a house or "condo" as they call it and you get to customize it however you like with furniture from the stores. In every virtual world however, you can buy clothes and hair and accessories to personalize your avatar. There are often rare or Limited Time/Edition items for certain months or holidays. The currency tends to come in two forms, one acquirable by playing games or making friends and the other is harder to acquire. Usually you can get the harder-to-get currency by sharing the game on Facebook, completing surveys from the game's sponsors or, if you are either really desperate or just plain idiotic (usually both!), you can buy the currency with legitimate money. Like, credit cards. (Or an Ultimate Game Card/Google Play gift card, same difference.) I cannot stress how utterly redonkulous this form of money-spending is. Although I'll have to contain my stressing because I plan to rant more about this in my next entry about my serious addiction to ourWorld is. Stay tuned.

RECOMMENDED: The Sims; Club Penguin; ourWorld (ADD ME. >:-|)


Numero Quatre: Platform games. Games where you're trying to get to a goal, usually running and jumping, although I think racing games can fit into here, too. Basically, you're traveling across some landscape or island of some sort to get to your goal while collecting power-ups (usually there are coins to get) while avoiding obstacles and enemies. For everyone, but WARNING: EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE.

RECOMMENDED: Temple Run 2; Sonic The Hedgehog (Duh); Super Mario Bros. (Even more duh)

And of course there are the ABSOLUTE CLASSICS, the ones your parents spent gisquillion quarters on in the arcade, i.e. Pacman, Donkey Kong, Legend Of Zelda, etc. I wasn't quite sure where to put these so they have their own category: Classic Games You Have To Play Before You Croak. Ask your parents.

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